Christmas is Coming

 Christmas is coming, although here in Menton Father Christmas seems very casual about it.

A forest of decorated Christmas trees has shot up all over the town and crèches in prominent positions await the baby Jesus. 

I've joined in the preparations and my kitchen has been smelling very Christmassy this week, I've been making mince pies. I love making them, it makes me think of our mum who made dozens of perfect mince pies at this time every year. This year I've cooked quite a few myself, standard size and mini, for the library and the church.  The French don’t seem to know what to make of them but it doesn’t stop them being enjoyed. 

Yes, I made some more flapjacks too - full of flavour from the local honey from Olivetta

Am I the only person who still has Tupperware containers to store their baked goods?

This week, I learnt about another author who loved Menton: Robert Louis-Stevenson.

A fascinating and amusing talk by Martin White, president of the European Cultural Route, documented Robert Louis Stevenson's time in Menton. He spent several months in the town as a child with his nanny and revisited later, with his wife. 
Like many others in the late 19th century he travelled to Menton for health reasons, he wrote an essay "Ordered South" about his experiences.
I knew of his poems and of course the novels, Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, but I was interested to learn that he was also a prolific (and well respected) travel writer.

Late Saturday afternoon, the church was packed for Nine Lessons and Carols. The building was looking its best with a Christmas tree, complete with flashing lights, at one end and a crèche (crib empty) at the other. Light from scores of candles flickered along the walls. The familiar lessons and tunes in a combination of English and French, were followed by wine and mince pies.

The last Sunday walk before 2025 began in Olivetta, St Michel. A gentle stroll in bright sunshine brought us to the little chapel where we always stop for lunch. 

We arrived just as the mass for the feast of the Immaculate Conception was finishing, allowing a glimpse into the usually closed chapel.

This is what I’ve read this week:-

A lovely rambling tale exploring relationships and the intricacies of daily life.

This is what I’ve written (and published) over the last few years :-

Here is the link to my website:-


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