Bread and Cheese

  I must be the only person in France who doesn’t go out every morning, to buy a baguette—the queues first thing, at the boulangeries and my local supermarket, attest to this. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love baguettes and all the other delicious fresh bread but I prefer a sliced wholemeal for my sandwiches and I like to vary my carbohydrate intake...

While I'm on the subject, I also adore French (and Italian) cheese, it is so indulgent somehow. But in my opinion there's nothing to beat a good mature cheddar, especially with a pickled onion—now that is something they don't get right here, onions should not be pickled in balsamic.

However, like many French people, I do shop for food every day. In my case, part of the reason for this, is that I don’t have a car and therefore am limited by what I can carry. Well, I do have a car but it is currently not working. It has been difficult to find a garage that will repair a 1997 XK8 and we have been waiting rather long time. Sadly, while the car has been standing idle, the problems have multiplied. However I am pleased to say that we have finally found a garage, so I won’t bore you with any more car details.

On Friday evening, I was lucky enough to attend a wonderful chamber music concert, in the Auditorium Rainier 111 in Monaco. Daniel Lozakovich, the 22 year old violinist was, even to my untutored ear, absolutely incredible. The first half was two Mozart sonatas for violin and piano; the second half was The Trout Quintet by Schubert—which has been an earworm ever since. 

I travelled to Monaco by train and arriving a little early, I took the long way round. I wandered along the port, feeling as I alway do in Monaco, like Country Mouse, overawed by everything. Bizarrely, the trip also brought to mind my Cookery O'level. In the practical, I had to plan and prepare an after-theatre supper—something that could be left out for four theatre goers, to eat on their return. At the time, I had no idea that people ate meals after the theatre and I have to admit, it still seems strange to me. I went straight home after the concert, while others headed off for dinner.

On Saturday morning, Scrabble in the library brought me back down to earth. It's becoming more popular - I play with enthusiasm but no skill, and enjoy every minute.

There was another walk on Sunday, starting from Olivetta, along the river, crossing  back and forth over the French - Italian border.  

It was a bit of a voyage of discovery, with dead end paths, narrow ledges along irrigation channels (edged by a sheer drop in places), having to negotiate gates made of old bed frames, discussions and split decisions... 

For all that, it was good fun and, chaotic as the walk was, it included wonderful vistas and we found a lovely sunny spot for lunch.

In case you are wondering what I've been reading (re reading), here they are:-

And finally, just a quick update:-

The manuscript of HIDDEN is ready to send to the editor, for its sentences to be honed, grammar corrected, T s crossed and I s dotted.  I will reveal more as it nears publication.

If you have enjoyed reading this and would like to be sent a link when the next episode is published, please contact me on and I will add you to the list.

Here is the link to my website:-


  1. Same here. Fab baguettes and who can resist French butter but we try to be good and eat wholemeal!


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