An Eventful Week


It’s been an eventful week. A mid week birthday means that I am now officially a pensioner, in receipt of my state pension. On the same day, the paperback version of my third book, Journey's End, was released.  Thank you for all the lovely birthday messages and, thank you to those who have already ordered my book.

I have spent time with friends, swum each morning and, at the weekend, as a birthday treat to myself, I visited the Monet exhibition in the Grimaldi Forum, Monte Carlo (taking advantage of the pensioner discount of course).

The heat has meant that I have not been the only one taking an early morning dip at Rondelli beach. Before the sun is fully up whole families are set up on the beach, to take advantage of the comparative cool. A text from a friend in England reminded me of the advantages of cold water swimming but I have to point out, cold water means a completely different thing in England. Since I arrived, the average sea temperature here has been 23℃.

I took the train to Monte Carlo from Menton Garavan, which is the nearest station to the apartment and the first stop after the border with Italy. Before we departed, three policemen boarded and checked the whole train for illegal immigrants. A sad sign of the times.

The exhibition was amazing—nearly a hundred  paintings from throughout Monet's working life, scenes from Northern France to the Riviera, every season, all times of day. I marvel that anyone can create movement in water on a flat canvas, portray mist, reflections, light... I have an embarrassing lack of knowledge of art, artists and art history but I can appreciate what is in front of me. 

Monet’s paintings brought home to me that it is the light here that is so special. The light that makes the Mediterranean sparkle; the light that brings a smile to my face, every morning when I open the shutters; the light that gives definition to my surroundings.

In the inevitable gift shop I resisted the urge to buy a Monet cushion cover but thought long and hard about a Monet pencil. Fortunately the sight of the queue and the recollection of the hundreds of pencils that I already own, made the decision for me.

Coming out into the heat, I walked through the tiny Japanese garden that sits next to the Grimaldi Forum. The garden managed to exude peace, in spite of being overshadowed by a massive building site— Monaco is extending into the sea.

The temperature has been several degrees higher than is comfortable for the last couple of weeks (early 40s if Riviera radio is to be believed). It is enervating, sends me scurrying (slowly) for shade, seeking spots with air-conditioning. The apartment doesn't have air-conditioning (yet) and the temperature inside has not fallen below 29°C for a fortnight. Amazingly, my body has adapted to these ridiculous temperatures. I have slept!

Yesterday morning it was 27° C outside and I noticed that the bedroom temperature had fallen to 
28.7° C. The forecast promises that temperatures will fall to 25° C next week. I shall have to dig out my cardigans and winter duvet.

 I can’t believe that I’m hoping for rain too. This week, I received a gift of a lemon tree from my lovely  friends, Jean-Claude and Nicole, but without some rain to soften the ground, there is no chance of my ever being able to plant it in the garden.

Sunrise - will it rain today?

Just in case you are wondering, I read the latest Rebus book this week.  I'm completely addicted.


  1. It’s funny how you adjust to a warm climate. Our pool is now coming out of the winter and up to 26 and I am only just ready to take the plunge. The sea is warm enough to swim in all year so cold water fans would be disappointed. Our 4.5 tog duvet comes out at around 20 degrees overnight. No cardi’s this winter just a few long sleeve tops and summer seems to have arrived. I do envy the Monet exhibition. Just popping to Monte Carlo for an exhibition sound terribly chic!

  2. Always good to hear your adventures. Heat, swimming and Monet. Nice week. And you didn’t need another pencil, but I understand the temptation. They’re just not worth the monet. Tee hee.


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