Signs of Spring

 It must be April. The cows are back on Midsummer Common...

 ...and even more on Stourbridge Common. It's still cold, and very wet, but spring is very definitely here.

I took time out from packing and planning to have lunch with my sister, and a walk in the gardens at Stowe. It is beautiful and somehow uplifting, even in the rain. 

There hasn't been much time for writing recently, but work on my third book has been progressing in the background. In the midst of packing and sorting, the proofread manuscript for Journeys End was returned from the publisher.

I had wondered whether to skip the proof reading stage of the process (all of these things cost money) and indeed, Martina. the copy editor, had done such a good job there was very little to correct. But the proof reader did pick up one error that had been missed— a character used someone’s name before they possibly could have known it. Name removed. All sorted. 

Almost as soon as I had returned the corrected manuscript, the first proof for the cover design arrived in my inbox. Hopefully you will love it as much as I do. 

With things moving so swiftly, I am hoping that the publication date can be brought forward. Fingers crossed. Watch this space.

Space is certainly something that I have a lot of all of a sudden. 

I was very pleased to see the SOLD sign go up outside our house, as I’ve got rid of most of the furniture and packed nearly everything else. 

The first of the small things were sold at auction on the first of April and the large pieces of furniture were collected this Wednesday to be auctioned on 15th April. Boxes of crockery, books, bits and pieces are taking their place.

The house has finally started to feel and look empty. I am making fewer trips to charity shops and the recycling bins are less full.

My mind is clearing I can start looking forward instead of backwards. I'm excited about starting to write again. The novel I started in France has not progressed very far since I got back, but now I finally feel that I have the headspace and the time to devote to it. To get to know my new characters and to see where they're going to take me...

I have been reading this week—I am never without a book— but instead of telling you what I am reading, I want to mention a Netflix series that has grabbed my attention. 

Unbelievable begins with the rape of a young girl just out of foster care, there is doubt about her story, her testimony is not believed, her treatment is less than satisfactory or kind. Her case is dropped. It makes uncomfortable, but (sadly) believable viewing. Rapes are reported in other districts, connections are eventually made. Based on true facts, the story is expertly handled and compelling. The characters are realistically portrayed, and the true nature of meticulous, methodical, frustrating police work comes across. I definitely recommend.

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