Briefly Back in England.

A brief trip back to England revealed to me the things that I have missed while living in France. As I sat on the bus from Heathrow to Cambridge, I was mesmerised by the autumn colours. The sun was shining, the sky pale blue and the trees were spectacular, as if putting on a show especially for me. How could I have forgotten, so quickly, how lovely autumn is in England? I was so taken by all the loveliness that I didn't take any pictures. You'll have to take my word for it. (The photograph above is one that I took last year, on Stourbridge Common, Cambridge.) I hadn't realised that I missed the changing of the leaves. There are few deciduous trees around Menton and of the tress in my garden (two lemon, one orange, two kumquat, one fig and one persimmon) only the fig and the persimmon tree, lose their leaves. The leaves on the persimmon had turned a lovely pale reddy orange before I left. When I returned just seven days later, all b...