New Routines

Last Saturday during the night, I woke sneezing, coughing, my nose running, eyes watering. I thought I must have a cold coming on. Because it was the middle of the night, I started to wonder what would happen if I died from this cold. I have no fear of dying, but I do have a great fear of no one knowing that I’ve gone. I couldn’t get back sleep until I come up with a plan to make sure that if I do die here, someone will find me. Of course, when I woke on Sunday, all signs of any cold had gone. It must have just been an allergy! Having established that I was unlikely to die and even if I did someone would find me, I was filled with energy, so I went out for a walk. I walked down into the old town, joined the tourists and locals looking around the shops and the market and then climbed up to the Basilica of Saint Michael Archangel. All before lunch. After lunch, I followed the road from my flat and walked 3.8km up to Castellar, the mediaeval town that gives its name...